Although you may not be interested at all, we are still going to tell you a bit about us.
We are Rhonda Ford-Gares and Donald Gares and this company was formed January 1, 1995. Don has worked with computers for more years than he will admit. He was originally a computer programmer for a corporation but computers were also one of his hobbies thus also working on them became the norm. As Don progressed through the corporate world he basically left computer programming and eventually became Executive Vice President of the corporation. This did not dismiss him totally from computers because they were defintely still a hobby and he used them in work daily. Although somewhat retired, Don is still active in the company as well as another company that uses computers daily and he will be more than happy to help you out with your computer problems.
Rhonda will admit that she has been involved with computer systems and peripherals for approximately 35 years. First in high school, then in college, then in the corporate world, and finally when this business was opened at the beginning of 1995. Today Rhonda basically runs the business and handles all of the sales, service, and repairs. She has both expertise in hardware and software thus she is as much at home removing a virus as she is changing a capacitor on a motherboard. In short, Rhonda runs the show so give her a call with all of your computer needs or problems.Copyright © , Creative Computer Concepts.